About the Black Angelfish
Name: Black Veiltail Angelfish
Max Size: Black Veiltail Angelfish, scientifically known as Pterophyllum scalare, can grow up to a size of around 6 inches in height, including their flowing fins.
Water Parameters: Black Veiltail Angelfish prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Maintain the water temperature between 75-82Β°F and a pH range of 6.5-7.5. They appreciate clean and well-oxygenated water, so proper filtration and regular water changes are important.
Diet: Black Veiltail Angelfish are omnivorous and have a varied diet. They will accept high-quality flakes or pellets as their staple food. Additionally, supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia to provide variety and enhance their overall health.
Temperament: Black Veiltail Angelfish are generally peaceful but can exhibit territorial behavior during breeding or when defending their territory. Provide them with enough space and hiding places to minimize aggression. They are best kept in a species-only tank or with peaceful tank mates.
Tank Setup: Provide a well-decorated aquarium with plenty of vertical space and hiding spots using rocks, driftwood, and live plants. Black Veiltail Angelfish appreciate areas of open space for swimming as well. Maintain a sandy or fine-gravel substrate. Adequate filtration and regular water changes are important for their well-being.
Compatibility: Black Veiltail Angelfish can be kept with other peaceful fish species in a community aquarium. Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping or overly aggressive species that may damage their delicate fins. Choose tank mates of similar size and temperament.
Behavior: Black Veiltail Angelfish are known for their graceful swimming and stunning long, flowing fins. They are relatively peaceful and can exhibit interesting social behaviors within their own species. During breeding, they may become more territorial and exhibit courtship rituals.
Fun Fact: Black Veiltail Angelfish are a popular variety of angelfish due to their striking black coloration and long, flowing veil-like fins. Their elegant appearance adds a touch of beauty and sophistication to any aquarium. Observing their graceful movements and unique color patterns can be a mesmerizing experience for aquarists.