About the Longfin Tiger Barb
Name: Longfin Tiger Barb
Max Size: Longfin Tiger Barbs, scientifically known as Puntigrus tetrazona, typically grow to a maximum size of around 3 inches.
Water Parameters: Longfin Tiger Barbs prefer slightly acidic to slightly alkaline water conditions. Maintain the water temperature between 75-82Β°F and a pH range of 6.5-7.5. They are adaptable to a wide range of water parameters.
Diet: Longfin Tiger Barbs are omnivorous and will accept a variety of foods. They primarily feed on high-quality dry flakes or pellets designed for small tropical fish. Supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms to provide nutritional variety.
Temperament: Longfin Tiger Barbs are known for their active and playful nature. They are generally peaceful but can display fin-nipping behavior, especially if kept in insufficient numbers or with long-finned tank mates.
Schooling Fish: Longfin Tiger Barbs are schooling fish by nature and should be kept in groups of at least six or more individuals. Keeping them in a school provides a sense of security and encourages natural behaviors. The long fins of this variant add an elegant touch to their appearance.
Possible Tank Mates: Longfin Tiger Barbs can be kept with other active and similarly sized fish. Avoid keeping them with long-finned or slow-swimming species that may become targets of their fin-nipping behavior. Suitable tank mates include danios, rasboras, and other barb species.
Behavior: Longfin Tiger Barbs are energetic swimmers and occupy the middle and upper levels of the aquarium. They are known for their schooling behavior, often darting around the tank in unison. Their long flowing fins add an attractive visual element as they glide through the water.
Fun Fact: The long flowing fins of the Longfin Tiger Barb make it a unique and eye-catching variation of the popular Tiger Barb. Their vibrant coloration, active nature, and elegant finnage make them a delightful addition to a lively community aquarium.