About the Spotted Royal Pleco
Name: Spotted Royal Pleco
Max Size: Spotted Royal Pleco (Panaque nigrolineatus) is a large pleco species that can grow up to 18-24 inches in length.
Water Parameters: Spotted Royal Plecos prefer water conditions with a pH range of 6.5-7.5 and a temperature between 75-82Β°F. They appreciate clean and well-oxygenated water, so efficient filtration and regular water changes are important.
Diet: Spotted Royal Plecos are primarily herbivorous and should be provided with a diet rich in vegetable matter. They enjoy eating algae, sinking pellets or tablets specially formulated for herbivorous fish, as well as fresh vegetables such as zucchini, cucumber, and spinach. It is important to provide a varied and balanced diet to ensure their nutritional needs are met.
Temperament: Spotted Royal Plecos are generally peaceful and can be kept with other non-aggressive fish species. However, as they grow larger, they may become more territorial and aggressive towards other bottom-dwelling fish.
Tank Setup: Spotted Royal Plecos require a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and caves. Provide them with driftwood, rocks, and caves to mimic their natural habitat and give them places to explore and retreat. A sandy or fine gravel substrate is recommended to avoid damaging their delicate underside.
Compatibility: Spotted Royal Plecos can be kept with other peaceful and similarly sized fish species. Avoid keeping them with aggressive or fin-nipping tank mates that may harass or stress them. Also, ensure the tank is large enough to accommodate their potential size.
Behavior: Spotted Royal Plecos are known for their striking appearance, characterized by their dark body covered in small white or yellow spots. They are primarily nocturnal and will spend most of their day hiding in caves or among decorations. They are efficient algae eaters and will often scrape algae off surfaces using their specialized mouthparts.
Fun Fact: The Spotted Royal Pleco, also known as Panaque nigrolineatus, is a highly sought-after species among pleco enthusiasts. Their unique coloration and striking patterns make them a visually appealing addition to large aquariums. Additionally, they possess specialized teeth designed for rasping and scraping, allowing them to feed on wood and other tough plant materials.