Short Body Albino Pacu
Name: Albino Shortbody Pacu
Max Size: Albino Shortbody Pacu can reach sizes of up to 2 feet or more.
Water Parameters: They thrive in a large tank with a neutral to slightly acidic pH ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. Temperature should be maintained between 75-82Β°F.
Diet: Albino Shortbody Pacu are omnivores and require a varied diet. Include high-quality pellets, vegetables, and occasional live or frozen foods.
Temperament: Generally peaceful, but as they grow, they may become more territorial. Keep them in a spacious tank to reduce aggression.
Tank Setup: Provide a large aquarium with plenty of swimming space. Include hiding spots, plants, and driftwood. Efficient filtration is essential due to their size and waste production.
Compatibility: Can be kept with large, robust fish. Avoid keeping them with smaller or more timid species.
Behavior: Albino Shortbody Pacu are known for their active and sometimes playful behavior. They may jump, so a secure lid is necessary.
Fun Fact: The Albino Shortbody Pacu is a distinctive fish known for its impressive size and unique appearance, especially when kept in a well-maintained and spacious aquarium.