About the Black Red Oscar (Grade A+)
Name: Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus)
Max Size: Up to 12-14 inches
Water Parameters: pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 74-81Β°F, hardness 5-20 dGH
Diet: Carnivorous - enjoys a varied diet including high-quality pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small fish. They also benefit from the occasional addition of fruits and vegetables.
Temperament: Semi-aggressive and territorial, especially when mature or during breeding. Best kept in large tanks with other robust fish or as a single specimen.
Tank Setup: Provide a spacious aquarium (minimum of 75 gallons for a single Oscar) with plenty of open swimming space and some hiding spots like large rocks or wood. Strong filtration is necessary due to their messy eating habits and significant waste production.
Compatibility: Oscars are best kept with other large, semi-aggressive fish of similar size. Avoid housing with smaller or more timid species that may be harassed or seen as prey.
Behavior: Oscars are highly intelligent and known for their curious nature. They often interact with their environment and can recognize their owners, showing a range of engaging behaviors. They may rearrange tank decorations and occasionally display "begging" behavior for food.
Fun Fact: Oscars are capable of changing their color based on mood, health, or environmental conditions. They are popular in the aquarium hobby not only for their striking appearance but also for their interactive, "puppy-like" personalities.