About the Five Barred Lamprologus
Name: Five Barred Lamprologus
Max Size: Five Barred Lamprologus can grow up to 3-4 inches in length.
Water Parameters: Five Barred Lamprologus prefer alkaline water conditions with a pH range of 7.8-9.0. They thrive in warm water with a temperature between 75-80Β°F.
Diet: Five Barred Lamprologus are carnivorous and primarily feed on small invertebrates and insect larvae. They can be fed a varied diet including high-quality pellets, frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and small crustaceans.
Temperament: Five Barred Lamprologus are territorial and can be aggressive, especially during breeding and when establishing their territory. They are best kept in species-specific tanks or with other robust cichlids from Lake Tanganyika.
Tank Setup: Provide a tank with plenty of rocky hiding places and caves to replicate their natural habitat. Use fine sand as the substrate to mimic the sandy bottom of Lake Tanganyika. Adequate filtration and regular water changes are necessary to maintain good water quality.
Compatibility: Five Barred Lamprologus should be kept with other Lake Tanganyika cichlids, preferably those from the same habitat and similar size. Avoid keeping them with small or peaceful fish that may become targets of aggression.
Behavior: Five Barred Lamprologus are known for their territorial behavior and interesting social dynamics. They form small harems with a dominant male and multiple females. Males can display intense coloration and engage in courtship rituals to attract females.
Fun Fact: Five Barred Lamprologus are endemic to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa. They are named after the five dark vertical bars or stripes that run along their body, creating a striking visual pattern. These fish exhibit fascinating breeding behaviors and their vibrant coloration adds beauty to any Tanganyikan cichlid aquarium.