About the Pearly Lamprologus
Name: Altolamprologus Calvus
Max Size: Up to 6 inches
Water Parameters: pH 7.8-8.6, temperature 75-80Β°F, hardness 10-15 dGH
Diet: Carnivorous - prefers a diet rich in protein such as high-quality pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and small crustaceans.
Temperament: Generally peaceful but can be territorial, especially towards conspecifics and other bottom-dwelling species. Best kept in a species-specific tank or with other Tanganyikan cichlids.
Tank Setup: Provide plenty of hiding spots among rocks and caves to mimic their natural habitat in Lake Tanganyika. A sandy substrate is preferred. Ensure good water movement and filtration to maintain water quality.
Compatibility: Compatible with other similarly sized and temperamented Tanganyikan cichlids. Avoid housing with smaller, more timid species that may be bullied.
Behavior: Altolamprologus Calvus are slow-moving, deliberate fish known for their distinctive appearance and behavior. They often spend much of their time perched on rocks or in caves, observing their surroundings. Males may establish territories and display dominance through fin displays and aggressive behavior.
Fun Fact: Altolamprologus Calvus are named for their unique appearance, with a sleek, elongated body and a high, sloping forehead. They are highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts for their striking appearance and intriguing behavior.