About the Red Shoulder Peacock Cichlid (Male)
**Name:** Red Shoulder Peacock Cichlid
**Max Size:** The Red Shoulder Peacock Cichlid typically reaches a size of 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 centimeters) in captivity.
**Water Parameters:** These cichlids thrive in water conditions with a pH level ranging from 7.8 to 8.6 and a temperature range of 76-82Β°F (24-28Β°C), replicating the conditions of Lake Malawi, their native habitat.
**Diet:** Red Shoulder Peacock Cichlids are omnivorous and primarily feed on a diet of high-quality cichlid pellets or flakes. To enhance their coloration, you can supplement their diet with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and spirulina-based foods.
**Temperament:** They are relatively peaceful for African cichlids, but males can become territorial, especially during breeding. Adequate hiding spots and sufficient space in the aquarium can help mitigate aggression.
**Tank Setup:** Provide a tank with plenty of rocky caves and crevices to create territories and hiding places. These cichlids prefer a sandy substrate and thrive in a setup with rocks and driftwood, replicating their natural habitat.
**Compatibility:** Red Shoulder Peacock Cichlids can coexist with other African cichlid species of similar size and temperament, particularly those from Lake Malawi. However, careful selection of tankmates is essential to prevent conflicts.
**Behavior:** These cichlids are known for their striking coloration, with vibrant red shoulders that stand out. They exhibit social behaviors, with males displaying their colors to attract females and establish territories. They are active swimmers and appreciate spacious aquariums.
**Fun Fact:** The Red Shoulder Peacock Cichlid is admired for its eye-catching red shoulder patches, making it a popular choice among cichlid enthusiasts looking to add vibrant colors to their freshwater aquariums.