About the Albino Panda Corydoras
Name: Panda Corydoras
Max Size: Panda Corydoras, scientifically known as Corydoras panda, typically reach a size of about 2 inches (5 cm). They are small-sized fish, making them suitable for various aquarium setups.
Recommend pH: Panda Corydoras thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. It is recommended to maintain a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5 to ensure their optimal health and well-being.
Recommended Temperature (Β°F): Panda Corydoras prefer a tropical temperature range of 72 to 79Β°F (22 to 26Β°C). Providing a stable and warm environment is essential for their overall well-being.
Diet: Panda Corydoras are omnivorous bottom-dwelling fish. They have a preference for small live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp. They will also readily accept high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and granules designed for small tropical fish. It's important to provide a varied diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.
Temperament: Panda Corydoras are peaceful and sociable fish, known for their calm and non-aggressive nature. They are compatible with a wide range of peaceful community fish and make excellent tank mates for other small, non-aggressive species.
Schooling or Non-Schooling Fish: Panda Corydoras are schooling fish and thrive when kept in groups of at least six individuals or more. Being in a group provides them with a sense of security and encourages natural behavior. They will often swim together, forage the substrate, and display fascinating shoaling patterns.
Possible types of tank mates: Panda Corydoras are compatible with other peaceful community fish that prefer similar water conditions. Good tank mates include tetras, rasboras, gouramis, dwarf cichlids, and other small catfish species. Avoid aggressive or larger species that may outcompete or harass them.
Behavior: Panda Corydoras are active and playful bottom-dwelling fish. They spend most of their time exploring the aquarium substrate in search of food particles and small invertebrates. With their striking black and white coloration, resembling a panda, they add a delightful contrast to the aquarium and create an eye-catching display.
Fun Fact: Panda Corydoras are popular among aquarium enthusiasts for their distinctive black and white coloration, resembling a panda bear. Their pattern and peaceful nature make them a sought-after addition to community tanks. They are known to exhibit interesting behavior, such as using their barbels to search for food and engaging in social interactions within their school.