About the Black Ghost Knifefish
Name: Black Ghost Knifefish
Max Size: Black Ghost Knifefish can grow up to 20-24 inches in length, making them a large and impressive fish.
Water Parameters: Black Ghost Knifefish prefer soft to moderately hard water with a pH range of 6.5-7.5. The temperature should be maintained between 75-82Β°F.
Diet: Black Ghost Knifefish are carnivorous and primarily feed on live or frozen foods. They have a preference for meaty foods such as worms, small fish, shrimp, and other similar protein-rich offerings. They may also accept high-quality pellets or flakes, but live or frozen foods should make up the majority of their diet.
Temperament: Black Ghost Knifefish are generally peaceful but can be territorial and may not tolerate tank mates invading their space. They are nocturnal and prefer to hide during the day, becoming more active and social during the night.
Tank Setup: Provide a spacious aquarium with ample hiding places such as caves, driftwood, and vegetation. Black Ghost Knifefish are sensitive to bright light, so provide subdued lighting or use floating plants to create shaded areas. Ensure the tank has a secure lid as they are excellent jumpers.
Compatibility: Black Ghost Knifefish should be kept with peaceful and non-aggressive tank mates that are too large to be considered prey. Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping or aggressive fish that may harass or damage their delicate finnage.
Behavior: Black Ghost Knifefish are known for their unique and graceful swimming style. They have a long, thin body with a trailing fin that resembles a ghostly silhouette, hence their name. They are primarily nocturnal, using their electric sensory system to navigate and locate food in the dark.
Fun Fact: Black Ghost Knifefish possess an organ called the electrogenic organ, which allows them to produce weak electric fields. They use this ability to navigate and communicate with other fish. Their striking appearance and intriguing behavior make them a popular choice for experienced aquarists seeking a captivating centerpiece fish.