About the Brazil Sword
Plant Name: Brazil Sword (Spathiphyllum tasson)
Care Level: Moderate
Recommended Substrate: Nutrient-rich substrate or aquasoil
Recommended Lighting: Low to moderate lighting
Max Plant Size: Up to 12 inches (30 cm) in height
Foreground, Midground, or Background?: Midground to Background
Need CO2?: Not necessary, but beneficial for growth
Fun Fact: The Brazil Sword (Spathiphyllum tasson) is not a true aquatic plant but rather a terrestrial or bog plant that is sometimes sold for aquariums. It thrives best in humid, emersed conditions and may struggle if fully submerged for extended periods.
Appearance: This plant has broad, deep green leaves that resemble those of other Spathiphyllum species, commonly known as peace lilies. Its elegant foliage adds a lush, tropical look to an aquarium or paludarium.
Habitat: Native to tropical regions, Spathiphyllum species prefer high humidity and are often found in wetlands, making them suitable for terrariums, ripariums, and paludariums rather than fully submerged aquariums.
Aquarium Use: While often sold for aquariums, the Brazil Sword is best used in setups where its roots are submerged but its leaves remain above water. It thrives in paludariums or as an emersed plant in shallow water.
Care: If used in an aquarium, it should be planted with its leaves above the waterline to prevent rot. It requires consistently moist soil and benefits from occasional fertilization. Low to moderate lighting is ideal to prevent leaf burn.
Propagation: Propagates through division, where new plantlets grow from the base of the mother plant. These can be separated and replanted.
Note: Since the Brazil Sword is not a true aquatic plant, it may eventually deteriorate if kept fully submerged. For long-term success, it is best suited for emersed growth in humid environments.