About the Mbu Puffer
Name: Mbu Puffer
Max Size: Up to 26 inches
Water Parameters: pH 7.0-8.0, temperature 76-82Β°F, hardness 8-20 dGH
Diet: Carnivorous - primarily feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, and hard-shelled foods to help wear down their ever-growing teeth. Suitable foods include snails, crabs, shrimp, and occasionally fish.
Temperament: Generally peaceful towards other large fish but can be aggressive towards smaller tank mates or those resembling food. Best kept in a species-specific tank due to its large size and specific care needs.
Tank Setup: Provide a very large aquarium, at least 500 gallons, with plenty of open swimming space. The substrate should be soft and fine to prevent damage to the delicate underbelly. Minimal decorations are recommended to accommodate their large size and swimming needs.
Compatibility: Due to its massive size and potential aggression, Mbu Puffers are usually kept alone. If tank mates are considered, they should be large and robust enough not to be considered prey.
Behavior: Mbu Puffers are highly intelligent and interactive fish known for their personality and curious nature. They are capable of recognizing their owners and can be trained to perform simple tricks.
Fun Fact: The Mbu Puffer is one of the largest freshwater pufferfish species and is known for its impressive size and unique facial expressions. It can inflate its body with water or air as a defense mechanism to appear larger and more intimidating to predators.