About the Gold Laser Corydoras
Name: Gold Laser Corydoras
Max Size: Up to 2 inches (5 cm)
Recommend pH: 6.5-7.5
Recommended Temperature (Β°F): 72-78Β°F (22-26Β°C)
Diet: Gold Laser Corydoras are omnivorous bottom-dwelling fish. They have a preference for small live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. They will also accept high-quality sinking pellets or flakes formulated for bottom-feeding fish. It's important to provide a varied diet that includes both protein-rich and vegetable matter-based foods. Supplementing their diet with blanched vegetables such as spinach or zucchini is beneficial for their overall health.
Temperament: Peaceful
Schooling or Non-Schooling Fish: Schooling Fish (Gold Laser Corydoras are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least six individuals to create a natural social structure and minimize stress.)
Possible types of tank mates: Gold Laser Corydoras are peaceful and can be kept with other small, peaceful community fish. They are compatible with other small tropical fish such as tetras, rasboras, livebearers, and non-aggressive bottom-dwelling species. They should not be kept with larger or aggressive fish that may intimidate or harm them.
Behavior: Gold Laser Corydoras, also known as Corydoras aeneus, are a popular and attractive species of Corydoras catfish. They are named for the beautiful gold coloration that shimmers across their body, resembling the glimmer of a laser beam. Gold Laser Corydoras have a peaceful temperament and spend most of their time foraging on the substrate for food. They have a unique behavior of whisking their barbels against the substrate, searching for food particles. They are bottom-dwelling fish and prefer aquariums with fine sand or smooth gravel substrate to avoid damaging their delicate barbels. Providing driftwood, rocks, and plants will create a natural environment and offer hiding places for them to retreat to when needed.
Fun Fact: Gold Laser Corydoras are part of the larger Corydoras genus, which includes numerous species of small catfish known for their playful behavior and interesting characteristics. Corydoras catfish are often referred to as "armored catfish" due to the presence of bony plates called scutes that cover their bodies, providing protection against potential predators. Gold Laser Corydoras are not only aesthetically pleasing but also serve a beneficial role in the aquarium ecosystem. They help keep the substrate clean by sifting through it and consuming leftover food particles and organic matter. Additionally, they have a unique ability to take in air from the water's surface through a specialized organ called the labyrinth organ, allowing them to supplement their oxygen intake in poorly oxygenated environments. Their charming appearance, peaceful nature, and helpful cleaning behavior make Gold Laser Corydoras a delightful addition to community aquariums.