About the Flying Fox
Name: Flying Fox
Max Size: Up to 6 inches (15 cm)
Recommend pH: 6.5-7.5
Recommended Temperature (Β°F): 75-82Β°F (24-28Β°C)
Diet: Flying Foxes are primarily herbivorous and have a strong preference for plant matter. They will readily consume algae, both in the form of naturally occurring algae in the aquarium and commercially available algae wafers. They also appreciate blanched vegetables like zucchini, spinach, and cucumber. Including some high-quality flake or pellet foods designed for herbivorous fish in their diet is beneficial.
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Schooling or Non-Schooling Fish: Non-Schooling Fish (Flying Foxes are not schooling fish, but they can be kept in groups of two or more if the aquarium is spacious enough to provide adequate territory for each individual.)
Possible types of tank mates: Flying Foxes can coexist with a variety of peaceful to semi-aggressive community fish. They can be kept with other barbs, rasboras, peaceful cichlids, and non-aggressive bottom-dwelling fish. However, caution should be exercised when keeping them with fish that have long flowing fins, as Flying Foxes may nip at them.
Behavior: Flying Foxes, scientifically known as Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus, are popular aquarium fish known for their striking appearance and active behavior. They have a sleek and streamlined body shape with a vibrant orange coloration and contrasting black markings. Flying Foxes are active swimmers that will explore all levels of the aquarium, from the bottom to the midwater region. They are known for their ability to consume algae and help keep the aquarium clean, particularly when young. However, as they mature, their dietary preference may shift more towards plant-based foods. Flying Foxes are known to be territorial and may exhibit aggression towards their own species or similarly shaped fish. Providing ample hiding places and visual barriers with driftwood or plants can help reduce aggression.
Fun Fact: Despite their name, Flying Foxes are not capable of actual flight. The name "Flying Fox" is derived from their resemblance to the fox due to their elongated body shape and prominent dorsal fin. They are highly active fish that exhibit a unique behavior of "hovering" or "gliding" through the water by rapidly beating their pectoral fins. This behavior, combined with their energetic swimming patterns, gives the illusion of flying, hence their name. Flying Foxes are intriguing to observe and make an eye-catching addition to the aquarium, adding a touch of excitement and movement to the aquatic environment.