About the Assorted Lyretail Molly
**Name: Molly**
**Max Size:** Mollies typically grow to around 3 to 4 inches in length, with females being slightly larger than males.
**Water Parameters:** Mollies thrive in a freshwater aquarium with a temperature range of 75-82Β°F (24-28Β°C) and a pH level between 7.0 and 8.5. They appreciate a moderate level of hardness in the water.
**Diet:** Mollies are omnivores and accept a varied diet. Provide them with high-quality flakes or pellets, and supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and vegetable matter.
**Temperament:** Generally peaceful, mollies can be kept in community tanks. However, be cautious about mixing them with aggressive or fin-nipping species.
**Tank Setup:** Mollies prefer a well-planted aquarium with some open swimming space. They also appreciate hiding spots. Maintain good water quality through regular water changes.
**Compatibility:** Mollies are social fish and are usually compatible with other peaceful community species. Keep in mind that they may reproduce readily.
**Behavior:** Mollies are active swimmers and exhibit interesting social behaviors. They may breed easily in a well-maintained aquarium.
**Fun Fact:** Mollies are known for their distinctive sail-like dorsal fins, and they come in various color variations, including black, white, orange, and gold. They're livebearers, meaning they give birth to live fry rather than laying eggs.