About the Avocado Puffer
Name: Avocado Puffer
Max Size: Avocado Puffer can reach a maximum size of about 6-8 inches.
Water Parameters: Avocado Puffer prefers slightly brackish water conditions with a salinity level of 1.005-1.008. The temperature should be maintained between 75-82Β°F.
Diet: Avocado Puffer is a carnivorous species and primarily feeds on small invertebrates such as shrimp, snails, and crustaceans. They have strong jaws and teeth adapted for crushing the hard shells of their prey.
Temperament: Avocado Puffer can be territorial and aggressive, especially towards their own species and similar-looking fish. It is best to keep them in a species-specific aquarium or with large, robust tank mates.
Tank Setup: Provide a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding spots using rocks, caves, and driftwood. A sandy substrate with some rocky areas will mimic their natural habitat. Efficient filtration and regular water changes are necessary to maintain good water quality.
Compatibility: Avocado Puffer is not suitable for community aquariums due to their aggressive nature. They are best kept alone or with other large, aggressive fish that can withstand their behavior.
Behavior: Avocado Puffer is known for its unique appearance, resembling the texture and coloration of an avocado, hence its name. They have a curious and active nature, constantly exploring their environment and searching for food.
Fun Fact: Avocado Puffer has a distinct appearance with its greenish-brown body, speckled pattern, and protruding eyes. It gets its name from its resemblance to an avocado fruit. Despite their aggressive nature, they are fascinating fish to observe, showcasing unique behaviors and an intriguing appearance in the aquarium.