About the Blue Moori Cichlid
Name: Blue Moori Cichlid
Max Size: Up to 6 inches (15 cm)
Recommend pH: 7.8-8.5
Recommended Temperature (°F): 76-82°F (24-28°C)
Diet: Blue Moori Cichlids are omnivorous and have a diverse diet. They can be fed a combination of high-quality pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods. Their diet should include a mix of protein-rich foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small crustaceans, as well as vegetable matter like spirulina-based flakes or blanched vegetables.
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Schooling or Non-Schooling Fish: Non-Schooling Fish (Blue Moori Cichlids are non-schooling fish but can be kept with other cichlids or larger, similarly sized tank mates.)
Possible types of tank mates: Blue Moori Cichlids are best kept with other semi-aggressive cichlid species of similar size and temperament. Compatible tank mates include other African cichlids such as Peacock Cichlids, Haplochromis, and other Mbuna species. Ensure the aquarium provides ample hiding spots and territories to minimize aggression.
Behavior: Blue Moori Cichlids, also known as Blue Dolphin Cichlids or Cyrtocara moorii, are known for their stunning blue coloration and elongated body shape. They exhibit sexual dimorphism, with males displaying brighter and more intense blue colors compared to females. They have a calm and curious demeanor but can become territorial, especially during breeding or when establishing their hierarchy. Blue Moori Cichlids are intelligent and exhibit interesting behaviors like digging in the substrate, exploring their surroundings, and forming social hierarchies within the aquarium.
Fun Fact: The Blue Moori Cichlid, with its vibrant blue coloration, is highly sought after by aquarists due to its striking appearance. It is endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa, where it inhabits rocky areas along the shoreline. Interestingly, Blue Moori Cichlids are mouthbrooders, meaning that females carry fertilized eggs in their mouths until the fry are ready to swim freely. This unique reproductive behavior is a fascinating adaptation that ensures the survival of their offspring in the wild.