About the Burundi Frontosa
Name: Burundi Frontosa
Max Size: Burundi Frontosa, scientifically known as Cyphotilapia frontosa, can reach a maximum size of approximately 10-14 inches in length.
Water Parameters: Burundi Frontosa prefers freshwater conditions with a pH range of 7.8-9.0 and a temperature of 75-80Β°F. Maintaining stable water parameters is crucial for their health and well-being.
Diet: Burundi Frontosa is primarily a carnivorous species, feeding on small fish and invertebrates in the wild. In the aquarium, they can be fed a varied diet consisting of high-quality pellets or flakes designed for carnivorous cichlids. Supplement their diet with occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, or small pieces of seafood.
Temperament: Burundi Frontosa is generally peaceful but can become territorial, especially during breeding. Provide them with ample space and hiding spots to establish territories and minimize aggression. It's recommended to keep them in a species-only or with other large, peaceful cichlids.
Schooling or Non-Schooling Fish: Burundi Frontosa is not a schooling fish, but they may exhibit social behaviors when kept in a group. It's best to keep them in a large tank with plenty of open swimming space and territories for each individual.
Possible Tank Mates: Burundi Frontosa can be kept with other large, peaceful cichlids that can tolerate their territorial behavior. Avoid keeping them with small or fin-nipping fish that may become targets of aggression. It's important to provide adequate space and hiding spots to minimize conflicts.
Behavior: Burundi Frontosa is a slow-moving and majestic fish, known for its impressive size and distinctive forehead hump. They spend their time patrolling their territory and foraging for food. Males may exhibit more territorial behavior, while females tend to be more docile.
Fun Fact: Burundi Frontosa is native to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa and is highly prized by aquarium enthusiasts for its striking appearance. Their prominent forehead hump and vertical barring pattern add to their beauty and charm. With proper care and a suitable environment, they can thrive and become the centerpiece of a large, well-maintained aquarium.