About the Congo Tetra
Name: Congo Tetra
Max Size: Up to 4 inches (10 cm)
Recommend pH: 6.0-7.5
Recommended Temperature (Β°F): 74-82Β°F (23-28Β°C)
Diet: Congo Tetras are omnivorous and have a varied diet. They will accept high-quality flake foods, but it's recommended to supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and small insects. They also appreciate vegetable matter like spirulina-based flakes or blanched vegetables. Providing a diverse diet will help maintain their vibrant coloration.
Temperament: Peaceful
Schooling or Non-Schooling Fish: Schooling Fish (Congo Tetras are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least six individuals to create a natural social structure and minimize stress.)
Possible types of tank mates: Congo Tetras are peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful community fish. Suitable tank mates include other tetras, rasboras, peaceful cichlids, and non-aggressive bottom-dwelling fish. Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping or aggressive species that may stress or harm them.
Behavior: Congo Tetras, also known as Phenacogrammus interruptus, are stunning and elegant fish that originate from the Congo River basin in Central Africa. They are highly valued for their striking colors and graceful swimming style. Male Congo Tetras are particularly captivating, displaying elongated fins with vibrant hues of blue, yellow, and red. They are peaceful and active fish that enjoy swimming in open spaces. Congo Tetras appreciate a well-planted aquarium with plenty of swimming room and subdued lighting. Males may engage in impressive fin displays and chase each other during courtship rituals. The presence of a dominant male will help maintain a harmonious hierarchy within the group.
Fun Fact: The Congo Tetra gets its name from its natural habitat, the Congo River basin. In the wild, they inhabit slow-moving rivers, streams, and flooded forest areas. These fish are known for their unique communication method called "shimmering." During courtship displays or when excited, the males will perform rapid vibrations of their iridescent scales, creating a mesmerizing shimmering effect. This behavior is believed to enhance their attractiveness to females and establish dominance among males. Observing the shimmering display of Congo Tetras is truly a sight to behold and adds a touch of magic to any aquarium.