About the Gardneri Killifish Pair
Name: Gardneri Killifish
Max Size: Up to 2 inches (5 cm)
Recommend pH: 6.0-7.5
Recommended Temperature (Β°F): 70-75Β°F (21-24Β°C)
Diet: Gardneri Killifish are primarily carnivorous and have a preference for live or frozen foods. They will readily consume small invertebrates such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. They can also accept high-quality flake or pellet foods designed for small tropical fish. Including a variety of small live or frozen foods in their diet will help maintain their health and vitality.
Temperament: Peaceful
Schooling or Non-Schooling Fish: Schooling Fish (Gardneri Killifish are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least six individuals to create a natural social structure and minimize stress.)
Possible types of tank mates: Gardneri Killifish are peaceful and can be kept with other small, peaceful community fish. They are compatible with other small tropical fish such as tetras, rasboras, livebearers, and non-aggressive bottom-dwelling species. Avoid keeping them with larger or aggressive fish that may intimidate or harm them.
Behavior: Gardneri Killifish, scientifically known as Fundulopanchax gardneri, are beautiful and captivating fish native to Western Africa. They are known for their vibrant colors and intricate patterns, with the males displaying more intense and elaborate coloration than the females. Gardneri Killifish exhibit a peaceful temperament and make an excellent addition to community aquariums. They prefer a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and swimming space. Gardneri Killifish are best kept in a species-specific setup or with other peaceful fish of similar size. They have an interesting behavior of "flashing" or displaying their vibrant colors to attract mates or establish dominance within the group.
Fun Fact: Gardneri Killifish are part of the Killifish family, which is known for its incredible diversity and unique reproductive strategy. These fish are annual killifish, meaning they inhabit temporary bodies of water such as rain puddles or seasonal ponds. Due to the unpredictable nature of their habitat, Gardneri Killifish have developed a fascinating adaptation to survive. They lay their eggs in the substrate or damp areas around the water, and the eggs can survive even if the pond dries up. The eggs enter a state of dormancy called diapause until the rainy season returns, and the water conditions become suitable for hatching. This remarkable reproductive strategy allows Gardneri Killifish to thrive in their natural environments. In the aquarium hobby, Gardneri Killifish are highly regarded for their beauty, peaceful nature, and the fascinating glimpse they provide into the natural world of killifish.