About the Golden Dojo Loach
Name: Golden Dojo Loach
Max Size: Up to 8 inches (20 cm)
Recommend pH: 6.5-7.5
Recommended Temperature (Β°F): 68-77Β°F (20-25Β°C)
Diet: Golden Dojo Loaches are bottom-dwelling scavengers with a hearty appetite. They will eat a variety of foods, including sinking pellets, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small invertebrates. They also enjoy foraging for leftover food and organic matter on the aquarium substrate. It's important to provide them with a varied diet to ensure proper nutrition. However, avoid overfeeding as they have a tendency to become overweight.
Temperament: Peaceful
Schooling or Non-Schooling Fish: Non-Schooling Fish (Golden Dojo Loaches are solitary fish that prefer to have hiding spots and may become territorial towards their own kind. It's best to keep them individually or in small groups if the tank is spacious enough.)
Possible types of tank mates: Golden Dojo Loaches are generally peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful community fish. They are compatible with species such as tetras, rasboras, livebearers, and non-aggressive bottom-dwelling fish like Corydoras catfish. Avoid housing them with fin-nipping or aggressive species that may stress or harm them.
Behavior: Golden Dojo Loaches, also known as Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki, are eye-catching loaches with a vibrant golden coloration that adds a touch of elegance to any aquarium. They have a slender, eel-like body and a pair of long, delicate whiskers called barbels that they use to navigate and search for food. Golden Dojo Loaches are primarily nocturnal and prefer dimly lit environments. They are adept burrowers and enjoy digging into the substrate or seeking refuge in caves, PVC pipes, or other hiding places. They are known for their playful and inquisitive nature, often darting around the tank and exploring every nook and cranny. Providing them with plenty of hiding spots and a sandy substrate will help replicate their natural habitat and promote their natural behaviors.
Fun Fact: Golden Dojo Loaches are native to the rivers and streams of Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia in Southeast Asia. They belong to the Botiidae family, which includes various species of loaches. Golden Dojo Loaches are highly regarded for their ability to eat snail populations in the aquarium. They have a strong appetite for small snails and can be an effective natural control method for snail infestations. However, it's important to ensure that they receive a balanced diet in addition to snails, as relying solely on snails may not provide them with adequate nutrition. With their active nature, striking coloration, and helpful role in managing snail populations, Golden Dojo Loaches make fascinating and beneficial additions to community aquariums.