About the Metae Corydoras
Name: Metae Corydoras
Max Size: Metae Corydoras (Corydoras metae) typically reaches a size of 2-2.5 inches, making them a small-sized catfish species.
Water Parameters: Metae Corydoras prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. The recommended pH range is around 6.5-7.5, and the temperature should be maintained between 72-79Β°F.
Diet: Metae Corydoras are omnivorous and have a diverse diet. They primarily feed on small insects, worms, and crustaceans in the wild. In captivity, they can be fed high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
Temperament: Metae Corydoras are peaceful and sociable fish, making them suitable for community tanks. They exhibit schooling behavior and should be kept in groups of at least 6 individuals to ensure their well-being and reduce stress.
Tank Setup: Metae Corydoras appreciate a well-decorated aquarium with hiding spots and ample swimming space. Provide a sandy substrate, as they enjoy sifting through the sand in search of food. Use driftwood, rocks, and live plants to mimic their natural environment and create a comfortable habitat.
Compatibility: Metae Corydoras are compatible with a wide range of peaceful community fish. They are non-aggressive and generally get along well with other small, peaceful species. Avoid keeping them with aggressive or fin-nipping tank mates.
Behavior: Metae Corydoras are active bottom-dwellers known for their playful and inquisitive nature. They spend a significant amount of time foraging on the substrate and will occasionally swim up to the mid-water level. They are known to display interesting behaviors such as their characteristic "Corydoras shuffle" and occasional bursts of swimming activity.
Fun Fact: Metae Corydoras are also known as Bandit Corydoras due to the black mask-like pattern around their eyes, resembling a bandit's mask. They are a popular choice among aquarists for their striking appearance and their beneficial role in keeping the substrate clean by consuming leftover food and debris.