About the Super Blue Kerri Tetra
Name: Super Blue Kerri Tetra
Max Size: Super Blue Kerri Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri) grows to an average size of about 1.5-2 inches, making them small-sized fish.
Water Parameters: Super Blue Kerri Tetra prefers slightly acidic to neutral water conditions with a pH range of 6.5-7.5. The temperature should be maintained between 72-82Β°F.
Diet: Super Blue Kerri Tetra is an omnivorous fish. They will accept a variety of foods, including high-quality flakes, pellets, and small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. It is recommended to offer them a balanced diet that includes both protein-based and plant-based foods.
Temperament: Super Blue Kerri Tetra is a peaceful and non-aggressive fish. They can be kept in groups of 6 or more individuals to promote their natural shoaling behavior and reduce stress.
Tank Setup: Super Blue Kerri Tetra prefers a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places and open swimming areas. They appreciate the presence of driftwood, rocks, and live plants to mimic their natural habitat. A dark substrate can enhance their vibrant blue coloration. Adequate filtration and regular water changes are important for maintaining good water quality.
Compatibility: Super Blue Kerri Tetra is compatible with other peaceful community fish of similar size. They should not be kept with aggressive or fin-nipping species. Tank mates that occupy different levels of the aquarium can create a harmonious community.
Behavior: Super Blue Kerri Tetra is an active and social fish. They display a shoaling behavior and are often seen swimming together in a synchronized manner. They are known for their striking blue coloration, which adds a vibrant touch to the aquarium.
Fun Fact: Super Blue Kerri Tetra is named for its intense blue coloration, which is quite rare among tetra species. The bright blue hue of these fish adds a captivating and eye-catching element to any freshwater aquarium.