About the Yellow Tail Congo Tetra
Name: Yellow Tail Congo Tetra
Max Size: Up to 3.5 inches
Water Parameters: pH 6.0-7.5, temperature 72-78Β°F, hardness 3-18 dGH
Diet: Omnivorous - enjoys a varied diet including high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. They also appreciate occasional vegetable supplements.
Temperament: Peaceful and shoaling, best kept in groups of at least 6 individuals to encourage natural schooling behavior and reduce stress.
Tank Setup: Provide a well-planted tank with plenty of open swimming space. Decorations and plants should be used to create hiding spots and to break line of sight, aiding in stress reduction.
Compatibility: Suitable for community tanks with other peaceful and similarly sized fish. They are gentle and can be kept with a variety of tank mates without issues.
Behavior: Active and social, Yellow Tail Congo Tetras are known for their vibrant colors and dynamic schooling behavior. They are quite eye-catching during feeding times and when displaying to each other.
Fun Fact: The Yellow Tail Congo Tetra is distinguished by its striking yellow and iridescent blue tail, which contrasts beautifully against their silvery body with hints of green and red. They are not only admired for their coloration but also for their peaceful nature, making them popular among aquarists who wish to add some sparkle and activity to their tanks.